How do I fix or suggest a change to an existing attraction?
If you spot a problem with an existing attraction in our database, you can flag and report a suggestion to the team to review the problem.
You can do this when you are editing a trip on the attractions listing page.
Underneath each attractions name, there is a link shown as 'Problem?'. Clicking this will load our attraction suggestion tool.
From here you can select the reason for the suggestion, such as incorrect status, incorrect name or type, or duplicated.
The tool will ask you for further information once the reason has been selected - please complete all details carefully to best help us resolve the suggestion as quickly as possible.
The suggestion will be reviewed by a ridecount team member within a few days, although you may not hear anything further about your suggestions - we are looking to publish any suggestions you make in the near future so that you can see the outcome of them.
You can submit as many suggestions for attractions as you wish, and a big thank you for helping to improve ridecount for everyone!