Why do some trips have attractions for Tokyo DisneySea listed under Tokyo Disneyland?
Due to a previous data issue, the attractions for Tokyo DisneySea were incorrectly listed and included with Tokyo Disneyland, inferring that it was a single park/complex.
We noticed this error after a user report, and have since now separated Tokyo DisneySea attractions into their own park away from Tokyo Disneyland, with all of the incorrect attractions now marked as closed/removed on Tokyo Disneyland listing.
On the 6th February 2022, we carried out an automated operation to 'untangle' these trips and attractions, and if you had logged a trip to Tokyo Disneyland with rides on attractions from Tokyo DisneySea, you'll now find we have duplicated this trip to the correct park (Tokyo DisneySea), and moved any logged rides from the Tokyo Disneyland trip to the Tokyo DisneySea trip.
This should not have affected your overall ridecount, however you will have found that you trip count will have increased owing to the new trip logged to Tokyo DisneySea.
You might also find that the previous trip to Tokyo Disneyland has zero (0) rides logged now if you had only tracked attractions from Tokyo DisneySea within that trip, however we did not automatically remove these empty trips to Tokyo Disneyland in case people wished to correct them - if you wish to do so, you can delete the empty trips from your trips listing.
If you do notice any problems, please open a support ticket with the details.